Notions of Modesty – MindView | Mind Mapping-Software

Notions of Modesty Mind Map

Notions of Modesty - Mind Map

Vor 1 Jahren publiziert von: kelsey meade
  • Notions of Modesty
    • In parts of Asia, modesty is practiced between men and women, and if an unmarried couple is caught holding hands it is considered inappropriate.
    • North Korea follows a strict dress code to show modesty, if women are caught wearing jeans or pants in general they can get fined or worse.
      • Swaziland, now known as Eswatini, banned women from wearing pants.
    • Islamic practice stresses modesty for all sexes both spiritually, and physically. Traditional customs for Muslim women force them to cover their body, arms, legs and even hair.
    • In Hvar, Croatia modesty is encouraged, tourists can be fined up to $670.00 for walking around in their swimwear.
    • Germany has many Nude Beaches where modesty would be respectfully averting your gaze from peoples privates.
      • Idea
    • Austrailians show modesty while exchanging information, they want to appear humble and equal.
    • The Christian community expects women to cover their upper arms, shoulders, with no revealing necklines, and skirts must be long enough to cover the knees to respectfully show modesty.
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