Mind Mapping for Neurodiversity

Users with nuerodiversity benefit from mind mapping software
Business Disability Forum
DAC certified
VPAT Compliant
British assitive technology association
ISO 27001
British Dyslexia Association
DAT Europe
508 Compliant

MindView AT – an Accredited Mind Mapping Software

MindView AT is an assistive mind mapping software application that has been optimized for neurodiverse individuals and made truly accessible for users with disabilities. MindView AT is accredited and certified to comply with WCAG 2.0/2.1/2.2, Section 508 and is AA certified with the Digital Accessibility Centre.

MindView AT’s Accessibility Enhancements

  • Built-in Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text
  • Compatible with Jaws, SuperNova and ZoomText
  • Compatible with all Text-to-Speech software: Texthelp, Claro etc.
  • Full integration with Dragon Professional, Windows Speech Mode and Mac Voice Over
  • Keyboard-only shortcut accessibility
  • Accurate ALT-tagging of Picture Catalog images
  • High Contrast Mode / Low Contrast Mode
Integrates with multiple Accessibility Enhancements
Help process and organize ideas

Why mind mapping?

Mind mapping is one of the most recommended strategies to support individuals with neurodiversity, as it helps overcome barriers that can affect stress levels and personal productivity.

Mind mapping allows people to develop their ideas in a non-linear fashion and work visually. This strategy is proven to help better organize information, process large amounts of data and dramatically improve memory recall.

  • Support neurodiverse individuals to process and organize ideas
  • Generate reports and presentations in a non-linear fashion
  • Overcome barriers that can affect stress levels and personal productivity
  • Improve time management and organization
  • Enhance recall and memory
  • Help with short working memory and improve processing speed
Improving your daily life with MindView

Who can we help?

Organizations are legally responsible for supporting individuals with disabilities. Assistive Technology is one way to help make learning and working environments more inclusive.

Mind mapping also appeals to users who do not identify as having a disability, which makes MindView very popular for entire organizations.

Needs covered by MindView AT:

  • Dyslexia
  • Autism
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Blindness and Visual Impairment
  • Executive Function Disorders
  • Over and Under-Sensitivity to Light

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Improving your daily life with MindView

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